Implant Bridges Near You
Missing teeth don’t have to stop you from living your life to the fullest, At Cooper City Family Dentistry in Cooper City, a team of expert denturists and dentists is available to fit you for an implant-supported bridge. A permanent solution to missing teeth, an implant-supported bridge near you is fixed to your jaw, so your artificial teeth look, feel, and function exactly like your natural teeth. For more information, call or schedule an appointment online today.
What is an implant-supported bridge?
An implant-supported bridge utilizes dental implants — artificial tooth roots that screw directly into your gums and jawbone — to hold your artificial teeth in place permanently. Unlike traditional bridges, which your dentist can remove, implant-supported bridges in Cooper City, FL 33330 are fixed to your jaw. These implants hold your new teeth in place, so you never have to worry about taking them out to clean.
Why would I need an implant-supported bridge?
An implant-supported bridge is the best tooth-replacement option if you have several missing teeth, but a healthy jawbone. If you don’t have enough bone in your jaw to support an implant bridge, the team can perform a minor bone graft surgery before the implant procedure.
Fortunately, our dental team has a state-of-the-art 3D CT X-ray scanner that offers panoramic 3D X-rays of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone, so they can easily determine if you have enough bone in your jaw from the comfort of their own office.
Dentists often recommend implant-supported bridges near you to patients who clench or grind their teeth, as they help relieve the pressure from individual dental implants. Overall, this provides you a healthy, natural bite with added stability.
How are implant-supported bridges made?
While most dentures are typically made out of acrylic, implant-supported bridges near you are made with porcelain, a tougher and more durable material. This helps ensure that your bridge will last without cracking or breaking.
If you and your dentist decide that you’re a good candidate for an implant-supported bridge, the Cooper City Family Dentistry team will design an individualized treatment plan that best suits your unique case.
First, the team takes digital X-rays using their cutting-edge Trios 3-Shape Scanner — a handheld digital scanner — to produce highly accurate digital impressions of your mouth. This crucial step helps the team map out your dental implants. In some cases, your dentist may avoid placing an implant in a certain spot to bypass your nerves or sinus cavity.
The team then places the implants on both sides of the space to serve as abutments, or anchoring teeth, which support your pontic, or artificial tooth. After the initial implant surgery, you must wait for your gums to fully heal before your dentist fits you for custom-made dental crowns — tooth-shaped dental restorations that cover your implant completely.
Once the team places your custom-fit dental crowns, your implant-supported bridge is a natural addition to your smile. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about implant-supported dental bridges in Cooper City, FL 33330.