Does Dental Bonding Hurt?

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does dental bonding hurt

Chipped, cracked, gapped, and misaligned teeth can have negative effects on your oral health, your ability to chew, and your smile. Fortunately, dental bonding and other similar processes can fix your teeth’s flaws and leave you with a smile you’re proud to show off.

You may be curious about what to expect and the level of discomfort associated with dental bonding if you have an upcoming appointment. All the essential information on tooth bonding is provided in the below article.

What is Dental Bonding?

To improve the tooth’s size, form, and colour, a tooth-coloured resin is placed on the tooth, and then the tooth is molded using the resin. Dental bonding is most commonly performed for cosmetic reasons rather than to repair any damage. However, it also improves oral health and the function of the teeth and gums. 

Is Dental Bonding the Right Choice for Me?

Bonding by a dentist in Cooper City is an option that is available to some patients, but not all of them. Getting a dental checkup is the only way to determine with absolute certainty whether or not you are suitable for the position. Bonding is able to fix minor imperfections in your teeth, such as the following:

  • Teeth with fissures and chips in them.
  • Teeth that are yellowed or somehow discoloured.
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth.
  • Teeth that are uneven or misshapen due to improper alignment of the jawbones and teeth.
  • Enamel loss due to insufficient length of enamel.

If you have moderate to severe functional flaws in your teeth, you may require more advanced treatments, such as dental crowns, inlays, fillings, and even tooth extractions. 

What is the Process for Dental Bonding?

It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to bond a single tooth. The use of anesthetics is also sometimes required, especially for patients who are highly sensitive or have trouble remaining comfortable. 

A resin material roughly matching the colour of your natural teeth will be used during the treatment. The dentist near you will then use an etching solution to roughen the tooth so that the bonding process goes more smoothly. A bonding agent and a resin putty are the next steps.

The bonding material is then shaped and molded by the dentist to match the tooth’s size and shape exactly. The adhesive is made harder by a specific blue light.

Finally, the dentist will clean up any debris and polish the tooth so it looks just like your other teeth.

What Kind of Pain Does Dental Bonding Involve?

In most cases, dental bonding in Cooper City, which is a popular cosmetic dentistry solution, causes no pain or discomfort at all. The dentist applies a tooth-coloured resin material to the surface of the tooth that has been damaged or discoloured, and then a special light is used to harden and glue the resin to the tooth. 

Minor tooth contouring and the use of dental equipment during preparation can cause slight sensitivity and discomfort for patients. The good news is that this discomfort is usually only mild and short-lived, lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Many people who want to improve the appearance of their smile choose dental bonding since it causes minimal discomfort. 

The Maintenance of Bonded Teeth

Wait to eat or drink hot foods after anesthesia for dental bonding near you. Additional mouth health and bonded tooth advice:

  • Take the medication as prescribed by the dentist.
  • Stay away from food and drinks that leave behind dark residue like chocolate, berries, coffee, tea, soda, tomato sauce, as they can discolour newly bonded teeth.
  • Avoid smoking or other tobacco products.
  • Avoid chewing nuts and ice to preserve the bonding substance.
  • Brush and floss your bonded teeth and mouth twice a day to keep them healthy and beautiful.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup.
  • If your new teeth have become chipped, worn, damaged, or discolored, book an appointment with your dentist to remedy the issue.

Come See Our Dentists in Cooper City

Talk to your dentist about your worries about pain during dental bonding. They will tell you what they will do to make you comfortable during the treatment and will warn you if there is any pain involved. 

Keep in mind that everyone has a different pain tolerance and has unique experiences. Do you want to improve your appearance with dental bonding? For further information, please get in touch with us or visit Cooper City Family Dentistry at the earliest. 



Smile with Confidence, Smile with Us - Cooper City Family Dentistry

For over 23 years, Cooper City Family Dentistry has been transforming smiles and helping cooper city residents with their dental needs.