What If Your Root Canal Fails? Read More.

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Receiving root canal therapy near you is just one way to address tooth pain and cavities yet it is one of the most effective treatments. Almost everyone has heard of a root canal and the name itself is enough to leave them feeling nervous and anxious, especially if their dentist recommends that they have one.

However, this is a very common procedure and measures are taken to ensure that you’re kept as comfortable as possible.

For more information about receiving root canal treatment here in Cooper City, get in touch with our local dental practice today!

What is a Root Canal?

Located within the center of each of your teeth is a fleshy sack known as the pulp. This is where connective tissues, nerves, and blood vessels all meet. Nutrients are delivered to the pulp to keep your tooth alive.

When the pulp becomes infected, it can cause you to experience prolonged sensitivity and pain. Fortunately, a mature or adult tooth can survive without its pulp, as its neighboring teeth will supply the necessary nutrients needed.

The number one goal of a root canal is to save as much of your tooth as possible.

If you have any questions about receiving root canal therapy in Cooper City, contact a dentist near you. Don’t hesitate to let them know about any concerns or questions you may have. They’ll also be able to identify whether this treatment is right for you or if an alternative course may be more appropriate.

What To Do When Your Root Canal Isn’t Successful

To ensure that this particular procedure is done correctly, it’s important to see a certified dental professional. General dentists can perform root canal therapy but, if you’re feeling worried about or hesitant, don’t be afraid to speak to an endodontist as well. An endodontist is a specialist who exclusively focuses on treating and preserving the pulp of your tooth.

That said, human error cannot be completely avoided. In rarer cases, the entire infected pulp may not be removed, which means that your tooth is still damaged and cannot heal properly. When this happens, it means that the root canal treatment you’ve received was unsuccessful.

When this occurs, there are two options you can consider: returning to your dentist to have your tooth retreated, or having your tooth extracted.

After you’ve undergone a root canal, you receive a customized dental crown to seal the tooth and keep it protected. Retreatment means that this will be removed as well as the material used to fill in the hole that is left behind from extracting your pulp. Your dentist will clean out your tooth and take out any bits of pulp that are still there before sealing it up once again.

In some instances, your dentist may perform an apicoectomy, which is a surgery that involves going below your gum line to take out the root tip of your tooth.

If neither of these options is suitable, you may need to have a tooth extraction. This is another surgical process and involves extracting the tooth with a pair of dental forceps and stitching up the site afterward.

Always talk to your dentist before making a decision. They’ll walk you through each process, so you know what to expect and don’t encounter any surprises.

Are you looking to receive root canal treatment near you? Our dentists in Cooper City are here to help you get your oral health back on track. Call or visit our website to book an appointment and get started. We look forward to working with you!


Smile with Confidence, Smile with Us - Cooper City Family Dentistry

For over 23 years, Cooper City Family Dentistry has been transforming smiles and helping cooper city residents with their dental needs.